Miracle Life Radio
Miracle Life Radio is the #1 Christian radio for Prophetic Worship. Miracle Life Radio is a Multicultural worship experience, airing the latest contemporary and gospel praise and Prophetic worship music.
Miracle Life Radio Schedule

Morning Praise
6:30 AM - 10:00 AM
(Eastern Standard Time)
This segment is the perfect opportunity for listeners to get their day going with praise and worship unto our Lord! Tune in from 6:30 am to 10 am EST. Never miss a day of morning praise!

Mid Day
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
(Eastern Standard Time)
Tune in for a mid-day boost in your spirit as we worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth! Only on Miracle Life Radio!

Prophetic Worship
7:00 PM - 6:30 AM
(Eastern Standard Time)
Enter into the secret place with the most anointed prophetic worship! Perfect worship music for spending time with the Lord.
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Country Star's Latest Album Released
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Pop Superstar Coming to Town
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Troubled Rocker Rises Again
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Only the Best
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